National Preparedness Month – Get the infographic out there!

The Federal Emergency Management Association just released these free infographics to share on being prepared! Feel free to download them and use them in newsletters or social media to get word out to your communities on how to be prepared for an emergency. Protect against a Flood Infographic. If you live in a flood prone…

Stop Traffic – It’s the Pope

Thanks to a great newsletter and updates on the Delaware Motor Transport Association website, we know motorist need to avoid I-95 and the Delaware Memorial Bridge during the Papal visit on September 26-28th. Need more information: New Jersey Papal Visit Traffic Pennsylvania Papal Visit Traffic As the Papal visit makes big news and draws an…

National Preparedness Month – Week 1 – Floods

September is National Preparedness Month. What can we do as an insurance agent help you prepare for a disaster? This month we will review four different disasters and the recommendations from the Federal Emergency Management Association and for this great information. is full of great information to help you prepare for a flood. Week…