Effects of Humidity on Our Homes

In 2018, our region experienced an upsurge in reports of mold growth, coinciding with excessive rain and high humidity levels. As the temperatures soar and the humidity rises, the Insurance Information Institute offers these tips to prevent excessive mold growth. Use the air conditioner and/or dehumidifier to keep humidity levels between 30 and 60 percent.…

Protect Your Home from Snowmelt

When temperatures begin to rise, the accumulating water from melting snow and ice leaves your home susceptible to damage. Protect your home ahead of time to minimize your risk. Use these four tips to help reduce your home’s risk of snowmelt damage: Clear snow from your home’s foundation. Shovel snow away from your home, including…

Frozen Pipe Prevention

Winter is on the way and with it comes freezing temperatures. Travelers provides us with information on which pipes are the most at risk and steps to take before and during winter that can help you prepare and prevent pipe freeze, breakage, and water damage. Most At Risk Pipes Outdoor hose hookups and faucets. Swimming pool supply…

Wildfire Safety

Where there is smoke, there could be fire! Wildfires can occur anywhere, any time of the year, and destroy homes, businesses, and natural resources. Though the threat of wildfires is greater in the western part of the country, nearly every state has been devastated by wildfires at some time and it is necessary to take…