Understanding Total Cost of Risk

Risk exists everywhere in business. One of the biggest mistakes that companies make is assuming that the cost of risk only involves their insurance premiums paid, retained losses and administrative costs. However, the total cost of risk encompasses much more than that. While a risk management program can be an effective method for controlling risk,…

7 Daily Habits of Great Leaders

When you think about the accomplishments of great business leaders, the scope of their achievements may seem intimidating. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t learn from them in order to become a better leader yourself. Let’s examine some habits of great business leaders that you can adopt to strengthen your leadership skills. When practiced…

Be You.

Don’t lose sight of your identity and purpose during growth times. Are you primed and prepared to turn it up? Do you have the systems, talent and culture in place to grow successfully? Growth is exciting. It’s challenging, too. You’re driving full speed ahead, and hiring new team members to keep up with the pace.…

Growing Forward

Eastern Shore Forest Products and Atlantic Traffic Safety talk talent, expansion and customer experience. Running a business can feel like a test of mental and physical strength. Growing one is an act of courage, because it means pushing boundaries, thinking outside the box and driving forward every day—you never stop pushing. It takes resilience and…

10 Steps to Creating an Effective Safety Program – General Industry Employers

Have you established a working safety program within your organization?  Chesapeake Employers Insurance provides a 10-step reference guide to help create an effective safety program for your general industry business. Ensure management commitment to safety. Setting an example of commitment and involvement is key to creating a positive safety culture throughout your organization. Designate responsibility…

Wildfire Safety

Where there is smoke, there could be fire! Wildfires can occur anywhere, any time of the year, and destroy homes, businesses, and natural resources. Though the threat of wildfires is greater in the western part of the country, nearly every state has been devastated by wildfires at some time and it is necessary to take…