The Most Common Employment Practices Claims due to COVID-19

As COVID-19 continues to spread, there has been a massive upheaval of the American workplace. Employers have found themselves implementing policies and procedures to address a wide array of issues including remote work, layoffs, furloughs, pay cuts, and workplace conditions. The uncertainty in the wake of COVID-19 has left employers at an increased risk of…

Growing. Changing. Protecting Your Future.

Employment Practices Liability Insurance Protects Your Business From The Inside. Business transition brings changes. New leadership introduces new perspectives and a new way of operating. But while you’re focusing on the future of your business, there’s a blind spot to be aware of: even with the best practices in place, employee claims still arise. Employment…

5 Big Risks for Home-Based Businesses

Many home-based business owners treat their operations informally—but you shouldn’t. According to Census Bureau data, about half of U.S. businesses are operated from home. The Insurance Information Institute has found that the majority of home-based business owners lack insurance coverage beyond what they have through their homeowners’ insurance policy—which is generally not designed to cover business-related claims.…