Flood Damage to Roads

Flooding has caused severe damage to several local roadways on the Delmarva Peninsula. State Highway engineers are out researching and developing the best methods of repair for these areas. This means some road closures and more workers with orange vests on our roads. We implore all motorists to take some extra time in road construction…


Change Dropbox Password Now!

Do you use Dropbox? And what are you storing there? Journalists at Motherboard reported that they obtained documents which show that more than 68 million users were affected by the data breach at Dropbox—one of the world’s largest file-hosting companies. The information contained in the documents has since been identified as authentic by officials at…


Educate Your Employees During National Cyber Security Awareness Month

This October is Cyber Security Awareness Month, an event co-sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) in order to raise awareness of the importance of cyber security issues. While the event is designed to highlight some of the nation’s cyber security precautions, as well as how to…


Remote Key Entry on Your Vehicle – Easy? Safe?

Everyone can agree that the remote key entry and start has become standard on new vehicles and is really very convenient. However, is it safe? A research team from the University of Birmingham recently discovered a number of vulnerabilities that allowed them to mimic and “clone” the wireless key fobs of over 100 million vehicles.…


Protect your home from flooding!

Flooding has the potential to cause severe damage to your home; according to the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), the average flood insurance claim is nearly $42,000. Additionally, it can be difficult and dangerous to clean up flood damage. Use these precautionary measures to help prevent water from getting into places it isn’t wanted: ·…


5 Tips to Healthy Aging!

The earlier you start maintaining your health the longer you will enjoy the benefits: Stay up to date on your medical screenings, especially your primary care, eye doctor and dentist! Limit alcohol consumption. Exercise! This can help prevent conditions like heart disease, diabetes and depression. Work your brain! Puzzles or crosswords! Sleep – every night!…
