Truckers: What Can You Do To Prevent Distracted Driving?

Distracted driving is any activity (including fatigue and illness) that diverts your attention away from driving. Truck drivers must devote their full attention to driving. Any non-driving activity is a potential distraction and increases your risk of crashing. Check out the types of distractions along with defense techniques. RECOGNIZE THE HAZARDS MENTAL (COGNITIVE) DISTRACTIONS. Mental…

Winter Weather Driving Tips – Trucking

Winter weather can be unpredictable and create hazardous conditions on the road. For your drivers, these conditions make their job much more dangerous. In particular, winter driving can be especially challenging for truck and other oversized vehicle drivers where sudden, sharp movements can cause drivers to lose control. In order to prevent accidents when driving…

Fall Driving Hazards

Driving in the fall creates a new set of seasonal risks for drivers. From shorter days to increased road obstacles, drivers need to be on guard for fall-related hazards and know how to prevent a crash. REDUCED VISIBILITY The fall season brings shorter days and reduced visibility while driving. This can affect your depth perception,…

It’s Your Job to Drive Defensively

Considering the value of the cargo that you transport in your trailer, and your most precious cargo—yourself, driving defensively is arguably one of your most important responsibilities. Your life—and the lives of those that find themselves near you on the highway—depends on it. Let’s take a look at the meaning of driving defensively and discuss…

Winter Driving Tips for Truckers

One of the joys of the trucking business is the ability to travel across the country and experience the beauty of different roads from coast to coast. However, this also means you must prepare for various types of driving conditions. The winter months make for treacherous road conditions across much of the country with heightened risks…